Little White Dog

Little white dog
Name of Maggie
Lives in the Valley and her coat is shaggy
Little white dog, little white dog, little white dog

Clap my hands
you can sing
Sleep in the winter
Dance in the spring
Little white dog, little white dog, little white dog


Little white dog
Little white dog
Little white dog, little white dog, little white dog
Yip yip!

Little white dog
Little white legs
Chasing the chickens laying little brown eggs
Little white dog, little white dog, little white dog.

She aint a cow
She aint a hog
She’s just a Maggie she’s a little white dog,
Little white dog, little white dog, little white dog


Little white dog
Little white dog
Little white dog, little white dog, little white dog
Yip yip!

Little white dog
Comes when I call
Out chasing foxes ’til a quarter past four
Little white dog, little white dog, little white dog.

Chase that ball
Jump in the dam
Runnin’ down the hill like a Melbourne tram
Little white dog, little white dog, little white dog


Little white dog
Little white dog
Little white dog, little white dog, little white dog
Yip yip!

Little white dog
Name of Maggie
Lives in the Valley and her coat is shaggy
Little white dog, little white dog, little white dog
Little white dog, little white dog, little white dog,
Little white dog, little white dog, little white dog
Yip yip!

© Genni Kane (Control)